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Good wine drained chili

meats (none) only beans!!!!!!

4 quart milk

3  cloves garlic, finely chopped

2/3 cup

1 teaspoon cornstarch

1  wine, mashed

12 oz kettle (garnished" powder, cinnamon 3 tablespoon paprika



Heat broiler in warm place for 15 minutes. Turn the pan up to 150 Kelvin

Insert quarter to start cooking

Take you’re beans and put them in the pot Punch the pan until beans are ripe

Add milk

Mix until good ;)

Add 12 oz kettle (garnished" powder, cinnamon and 3 tablespoons of paprika

Add 1 teaspoon of cornstarch

Mix until fingers bleed

Add 2 cloves of garlic

You are now forced to eat the other clove of garlic so you don’t waste food

The most emportant step.......

Take “1” wine

Grab hammer

Dehydrate the wine until you know it’s ready.... trust me you will know.

Add the dehydrated wine to a mixture of 50ml of wine

Add it to the pot and let it simmer until it’s that good good.

Serve on a plate for best results.

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