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Wumpmas 2017

Daily Gift Challenges

Each one of the gifts for Wumpmas 2017 will be posted on its receiver's webpage on the appropriate day.

DAY 1: Wednesday, December 20th

Photoshop your Wumpmas Person in some way. Use the images available on the Sources page of the site. Images that are not of your Wumpmas Person can be Googled, but any image of your Wumpmas Person should be taken from the source page. Your Photoshop will be used as your Wumpmas Person's webpage background. For this reason it is preferable that your Photoshop features landscape orientation.

DAY 2: Thursday, December 21st

Threaten your Wumpmas person in some way. Your threat is allowed to take one of many forms. For example, you could take a photo of magazine clippings spelling out a message, or you could record your voice and then distort it so it becomes unrecognizable. As long as your threat does not reveal who you are, and can be posted on this website, it is allowed.

DAY 3: Friday, December 22nd

Create a video for your Wumpmas Person. The minimum length of the video is 10 seconds. Send your video to Ben, who will upload them to the Wumpmas/Biggie Boo YouTube channel. Here is a link to that YouTube channel. Your video will end up on your Wumpmas Person's page.

DAY 4: Saturday, December 23rd (Wumpmas Eve)

Create a physical gift for you Wumpmas Person and take a picture of it. Try to make something that personal for them, or maybe something that has their name written on it. It can be any size. Make sure that your picture does not reveal yourself in any way. If you have to adjust lighting or edit the photograph after taking it, do so.

DAY 5: Sunday, December 24th (Wumpmas Day)

This year's Day Fve will be a mystery day! On December 1st, when Ben gives players their Wumpmas Person, Ben will also include a message telling them what their instructions are for Day Five. Each player's Day Five gift will be different. Players are required to keep their Day Five information secret, so that nobody knows what they will be receiving on the final day of Wumpmas. So, to be clear, Day Five is NOT a day where you get to create whatever you want. You will be creating something that Ben has told you, it will just be different from what everyone else is creating.



The Victims

Overseer: Ben Barush








Miss New Booty

















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