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Wumpmas 2023
"Reborn into Wumplife"


On the eleventh year of Wumpmas, the Wumpmeister gave to me

A rebirth, a new life, to live like Wumpy

DAY 1: Wednesday, Dec 20

Create an image for your Wumpmas Person, inviting people to the celebration of their rebirth. AKA, a birthday invitation.

DAY 2: Thursday, Dec 21

Wumpify your Wumpmas Person. Depict them as a newly born member of the Wumpmas faith. This can be whatever medium you wish.

DAY 3: Friday, Dec 22

Create a video for your Wumpmas Person, documenting their journey into their new life. 

DAY 4: Saturday, Dec 23, Wumpmas Eve

Create a song for your Wumpmas Person, to honor their current form or mourn their past life.

DAY 5: Sunday, Dec 24, Wumpmas Day

The Wumpmeister, Terry, will give each person a unique single-word prompt for Day 5. This word will be chosen from your Wumpmas Person's Q&A document, and you will receive it on December 1st. The medium for your gift is open-ended. As is tradition, the Day 5 gift is the only one in which you are permitted to reveal your identity.


All gifts, questions, etc, should be sent to Terry on Discord.

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